Kamis, Mei 29, 2008

Teori Vygotsky; membiasakan apa yang belum terbiasa

banyak teori meskipun saya masih berproses dalam mengaplikasikannya.
Dalam training tersebut saya mendapatkan satu teory, sebetulnya ini dipelajari di jurusan psychology, yaitu teori Vigotsky, menurut saya sih teori ini mengajarkaan bagaimana kita bisa melakukan apa saja yang belum biasa kita lakukan karena di teori ini ada 3 lingkaran dimana lingkaarang besar pertama adalah kebiasan kita sehari-hari dan lingkaran kedua adalah yang baru bisa kita kerjakan tapi temponya sedikit dan lingkaran ketiga adalah apa yang belum bisa kerjakan selama ini dan ingin menjadikan kebiasaan kita sehari-hari. Contohnya; di lingkaran pertama kita suka melakukan sholat lima waktu sehari semalam dan itu sudah menjadi kebiasaan sehari-hari, lingkaran kedua adalah sholat sunah ba;da atau qobla sholat karena terkadang kita melakukannya dan terkadang tidak, dan lingkarang ketiga adalah sholat tahajjud atau dhuha karena sholat tahajjud terhitung sholat yang butuh paksaan dan kesabaraan (tahu sendiri bangun malam susah banget, kalu bangun itu juga mu ke toilet atau ada acara bola) dalam mengerjakannya tapi kita sudah bertekad untuk membiasakannya, nah ketika tahajjud menjadi kebiasaan dengan segala prosesnya berarti kita sudah memakai teori Vygotsky, begitulah kira-kira.
Nah dari teori ini kita belajar bagaimana menyusun waktu untuk bisa membiasakan diri dengan hal-hal yang belum terbiasa dengan kita seperti sholat tahajjud, ataau membiasakan baca buku atau mebiasakan baca quran atau apa sajalah, karena memang tidaak susah untuk membiasakan diri yang memang belum terbiasa dengan kita.
Semoga bermanfaat

Beberapa tahun yang lalu saya belajar teori pendidikan khususnya pengajaran, seacara saya lulusan Pendidikan di UIN Jakarta, tapi apa yang saya dapatkan sangat minim karena lebih banyak pelajaran bahasa inggrisnya daripada konsep pengajaran itu sendiri, tapi setelah lulus saya masuk sekolah di Jakarta yang memakaai konsep active learning, dan distulah saya mendapat banyak konsep pengajaran yang bermanfaat karena tidak saya dapatkan di kampus, bayangkan saja dengan waktu training 3 bulan sama saja seperti kuliah 4 tahun di kampus saya, makanya say bersykur banget bisa dapatkan

Do the students learn to asses or learn to learn?

pelajaran mereka jago banget karena mereka sudah menghafalnya dengan tekun tapi disaat di praktekan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka pasti bengong, contohnya mereka belajar matematika, mereka belajar menghitung meng hafal banyak hal sehingga di ujian dapat nilai bagus karena sudah dihafal semalaman dengan system SKS(sistem kebut semalam), tapi ketika sudah terjun dilapangan ketika mereka berhadapan dengan hitungan mereka akan menggunakan kalkulator karena alasannya lebih simple, atau contoh anak-anak diajarkan sholat, anak-anak sangat tahu materi tentang sholat tapi praktiknya tidak bisa, mereka bisa praktek kalau praktek ujian sekolah, dan ketika ditanya kenapa kamu sholat?jawabnya supaya lulus ujian, jadinya mereka tidak tahu aessensi dari sholat itu sendiri.
Mau gimana kalau sudah begini?tapi apakah kita akan terus membuat siswa learn to asses bukan learn to learn, yah membuatku mumpung belum terlambat, mari kita sedikit demi sedikit mengubaah cara berfikir bagaimana cara mengajarkan anak bukan target ujian saja tapi mengajarkan kepada anak belajar essensi dari belajar itu sendiri, belajar bukan untuk ujian tapi belajar adalah proses yang tidak bisa dilihat hasilnya secepat membalikan telapak tangan.

Pertanyaan ini yang harus ditanamkan bagi siapa saja yang merasa menjadi guru karena sudah sejak lama sekali kita mengajarkan pelajaran kepada anak didik supaya mereka lulus di ujian bukan supaya mereka belajar sesuatu, pengalaman saya ketika sebagai siswa, saya selalu belajar bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di saat ujian, tidak bisa dipungjkiri memang, karena system pembelajaran di kita khususnya mengajarkan bagaimna anak lulus ujian, wajar kalau siswa ditanya tentang materi

Basic Blog Tutorial

Bandung Prayer Times (bagi yang butuh waktu sholat untuk bandung dan sekitarnya)

Make Puzzles(buat guru yang butuh game buat anak muridbya, pasti manfaat)

Aquarium Clock (ini untuk menampilkan jam dinding aquarium)

IslamicTube (kalau yang mau nonton video-video islam)

Google Calendar (yang mau masangin calendar)

My dictionary(bagi yang tidak bisa jauh dari kamus, coba deh pasang yang ini dib log nya)

Menempatkan peta di blog

Nah segitu aja dulu, ntar dipasangin lagi, itu juga saya dapatkan dari situs-situs penyedia widget dan ada yang dikasih dari teman, kalau masih penasaran cari aja di google search “blog Tutorial” disana banyak banget petunjuknya.
Mudah2an bermanfaat khususnya buat saya yang masih belajar

“rasa-rasanya kalau hari-hari genee ga bisa blog mendingan ke laut aje”,
Itulah yang bikin saya ga enak body karena disaat setiap orang-orang melek teknologi dan bisa ngoprasiin apa aja yang berkaitan dengan computer termasuk blog, lha saya belum bisa apa-apa, bisa bikin blog setelah itu dibiarkan begitu saja tanpa ada content apa-apa, nah sekarang saya mulai belajar bagaimana membuat blog ya minimal g sepi-sepi amat
Nah sekarang makanya saya mau berbagi(kaya yang udah master aja yah bikin blog), meskipun Cuma yang basic tapi mudah-mudahan bermanfaat apalagi buat rekan-rekan yang baru kenal ama yang namanya blog.
ni ada beberapa script yang bermanfaat buat ngisi blog anda, caranya tinggal copy paste aje ke blog anda lewat fasilitas JavaScript. Gampang koq ni dia

Dibutuhkan segera



PT. P & G akan mengembangkan usahanya dengan mendirikan pabrik DEODORANT PARFUM.
Dan membuka lowongan pekerjaan khususnya untuk jabatan DEODORANT QUALITY CONTROL development.

Fasilitas2 yg akan didapat :
1. Gaji sekitar 1.000 dollar / bulan
2. Asuransi kesehatan
3. Bekerja 6 jam / hari, 5 hari waktu kerja /minggu
4. Tunjangan transportasi
5. Asuransi kecelakaan, tercover 5 org / keluarga

Job description dpt dilihat di gambar terlampir

Rabu, Mei 28, 2008

Blue Energy; Apa benar keberadaannya?

di saat bahan bakar terus melonjak sampai harga dunia mencapai 100 lebih dolar per barrel, maka energy inilah bisa jadi alternatif apalagi sumbernya dari air dan lagi airnya gampang didapat dan tidak akan habis-habis karena bukan air dari tanah tapi air laut yang dipakai makanya kan sangat murah biaya produksinya, bahkan awal tahun ini blue energy sempat diperkenalkan pada peserta workshop se-dunia di Bali tentang Global warming.
diisukan juga bahwa blue energy ini sudah sip dipasarkan, berdasarkan kesepakatan dengan pemerintah bahwa april 2008 adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mendistribusikan blue energy ini dan ditaksir harganya sekitar 3000 rupiah per liter, murah bukan, ya iyya lah dibanding solar yang 5500 dan premium 6000.
tapi apa yang terjadi?sekarang sudah hampir mendekati bulan Juni, tapi pendistribusian blue energy ini belum keliatah batang hidungnya, ada apa ini gerangan???bahkan ga jelas kelanjutannya, saya khawatir kalau ini hanya upaya membahagiakan masyarakat aja oleh pemerintah biar ngga kaget dengan naiknya BBM, tapi malah pemerintah kena batunya yaitu kena penipuan oleh penemu blue energy itu sendiri, seperti dulu pemerintah yang tertipu oleh penemuan harta karun di batu tulis, atau juga dulu tahun 80 an pemerintah tertipu oleh seorang Ibu hamil yang mengaku kalau anaknya bisa baca quran di dalam kandungannya, semua pihak sampai president, ulama besar, juga mantan perdana mentri malaysia membenarkan pristiwa itu, padahal itu penipuan karena beberapa tahun kemudian si Ibu itu ketahuan kalau dia berbohong dan hanya ingin popularitas, ternyata eh ternyata dia memakai tape di kainnya (hebat yah bisa nipu orang2 elit pemerintah saat itu).
semoga saja ini(blue eneergy) bukan penipuan yang pernah terjadi di masa lalu, saya berharap ini bisa jadi kenyataan, disaat waktu sulit seperti ini kita sangat memburtuhkan penemuan-penemuan seperti ini.
kal;au pun memang bener ada energy ini tolong dipercepat, meskipun ilmuan Jepang bilang butuh 30 tahun lagi untuk mengaplikasikan teori ini, tapi siapa tahu pa Joko memang benar bisa melakukannya.

beberapa bulan ini santer diberitakan ada penemuan bahan bakar baru yaitu blue energy yang dapat diamblil dari pemisahan air(H dan O2) sehingga jadilah energy yang sekarang terkenal dengan sebutan blue energy, tapi masalahnya benar atau nggak karena sampai sekarang penemunya, Joko, masih terdampar di rumah sakit karena serangan jantung, dan belum diketahui kelanjutannya. beberapa minggu yang lalu dia diberitakan menghilang ntah kemana, sangat misterius, disaat orang2 butuh penjelasannya tentang blue energy malah dia menghilang begitu saja, setelah dia muncul malah langsung sakit keras.
siapa yang tidak senang dengan munculnya blue energy ini?

Rabu, Mei 21, 2008

Klasemen Akhir Liga-Liga Eropa 2008

Premier League
No. Klub M M S K SG Nilai
1. Manchester United 38 27 6 5 80 - 22 87
2. Chelsea 38 25 10 3 65 - 26 85
3. Arsenal 38 24 11 3 74 - 31 83
4. Liverpool 38 21 13 4 67 - 28 76
5. Everton 38 19 8 11 55 - 33 65
6. Aston Villa 38 16 12 10 71 - 50 60
7. Blackburn Rovers 38 15 13 10 50 - 48 58
8. Portsmouth 38 16 9 13 47 - 40 57
9. Manchester City 38 15 10 13 45 - 53 55
10. West Ham United 38 13 10 15 42 - 50 49
11. Tottenham Hotspur 38 11 12 15 65 - 61 45
12. Middlesbrough 38 11 11 16 43 - 52 44
13. Newcastle United 38 11 10 17 45 - 65 43
14. Wigan Athletic 38 10 10 18 34 - 51 40
15. Sunderland 38 11 6 21 36 - 59 39
16. Bolton Wanderers 38 9 10 19 36 - 56 37
17. Fulham 38 8 12 18 38 - 60 36
18. Reading 38 10 6 22 41 - 66 36
19. Birmingham City 38 8 11 19 46 - 62 35
20. Derby County 38 1 8 29 20 - 89 11

Klasemen Liga Spanyol 2008

No. Klub M M S K SG Nilai
1. Real Madrid 38 27 4 7 84 - 36 85
2. Villareal 38 24 5 8 63 - 40 77
3. Barcelona 38 19 10 9 76 - 43 67
4. Sevilla 38 20 4 14 74 - 49 64
5. Atletico Madrid 38 19 7 12 66 - 46 64
6. Mallorca 38 15 14 9 69 - 54 59
7. Racing Santander 38 16 10 12 40 - 40 58
8. Deportivo La Coruna 38 15 7 16 46 - 47 52
9. Almeria 38 14 10 14 40 - 45 52
10. Valencia 38 15 6 17 47 - 62 51
11. Athletic Bilbao 38 13 11 14 40 - 43 50
12. Espanyol 38 13 9 16 43 - 53 48
13. Getafe 38 12 11 15 44 - 47 47
14. Real Betis 38 12 11 15 44 - 50 47
15. Valladolid 38 11 12 15 41 - 56 45
16. Recreativo Huelva 38 11 11 16 40 - 60 44
17. Osasuna 38 12 7 19 38 - 43 43
18. Real Zaragoza 38 10 12 16 52 - 61 42
19. Real Murcia 38 7 10 21 36 - 64 31
20. Levante 38 7 5 26 33 - 74 26

Klasemen Liga Jerman

No. Klub M M S K SG Nilai
1. Bayern Munich 34 22 10 2 68 - 21 76
2. Werder Bremen 34 20 6 8 75 - 45 66
3. Schalke 04 34 18 10 6 54 - 32 64
4. Hamburg SV 34 14 12 8 47 - 25 54
5. Wolfsburg 34 15 9 10 57 - 46 54
6. Stuttgart 34 16 4 14 57 - 57 52
7. Bayer Leverkusen 34 15 6 13 57 - 40 51
8. Hannover 96 34 13 10 11 54 - 56 49
9. Eintracht Frankfurt 34 12 10 12 43 - 50 46
10. Hertha Berlin 34 12 8 14 38 - 44 44
11. Karlsruher SC 34 11 10 13 38 - 52 43
12. Bochum 34 10 11 13 48 - 54 41
13. Borussia Dortmund 34 10 10 14 50 - 62 40
14. Energie Cottbus 34 9 9 16 35 - 54 36
15. Arminia Bielefeld 34 8 10 16 35 - 59 34
16. Nurnberg 34 7 10 17 35 - 50 31
17. Hansa Rostock 34 8 6 20 29 - 52 30
18. Duisburg 34 8 5 21 36 - 55 29

Klasemen Liga Belanda
No. Klub M M S K SG Nilai
1. PSV Eindhoven 34 21 9 4 65 - 24 72
2. Ajax Amsterdam 34 20 9 5 94 - 45 69
3. NAC Breda 34 19 6 9 48 - 40 63
4. Twente Enschede 34 17 11 6 52 - 32 62
5. Heerenveen 34 18 6 10 88 - 48 60
6. Feyenoord Rotterdam 34 18 6 10 64 - 41 60
7. FC Groningen 34 15 6 13 53 - 54 51
8. NEC Nijmegen 34 14 7 13 49 - 50 49
9. Roda JC Kerkrade 34 12 11 11 55 - 55 47
10. FC Utrecht 34 13 7 14 59 - 55 46
11. AZ Alkmaar 34 11 10 13 48 - 53 43
12. Vitesse Arnhem 34 12 7 15 46 - 55 43
13. Sparta Rotterdam 34 9 7 18 52 - 76 34
14. Heracles Almelo 34 8 8 18 34 - 64 32
15. Willem II Tilburg 34 8 7 19 40 - 49 31
16. De Graafschap 34 7 9 18 33 - 64 30
17. VVV-Venlo 34 7 8 19 44 - 76 29
18. Excelsior 34 7 6 21 32 - 75 27

Klasemen Liga Prancis
Ligue 1
No. Klub M M S K SG Nilai
1. Olympique Lyon 37 23 7 7 71 - 36 76
2. Bordeaux 37 22 8 7 63 - 36 74
3. Nancy 37 15 15 7 42 - 27 60
4. Marseille 37 16 11 10 54 - 42 59
5. Lille 37 13 17 7 44 - 31 56
6. St Etienne 37 15 10 12 43 - 34 55
7. Rennes 37 15 10 12 44 - 42 55
8. Le Mans 37 14 11 12 43 - 45 53
9. Nice 37 12 16 9 32 - 29 52
10. Caen 37 13 12 12 47 - 50 51
11. Lorient 37 12 15 10 31 - 34 51
12. Monaco 37 13 8 16 40 - 44 47
13. Valenciennes 37 12 9 16 41 - 38 45
14. Sochaux 37 10 14 13 33 - 41 44
15. Auxerre 37 12 8 17 32 - 49 44
16. Paris St Germain 37 9 13 15 35 - 44 40
17. Toulouse 37 8 15 14 33 - 41 39
18. Lens 37 9 12 16 41 - 50 39
19. Strasbourg 37 9 8 20 31 - 56 35
20. Metz 37 4 9 24 24 - 61 21

Klasemen Liga Portugal

No. Klub M M S K SG Nilai
1. FC Porto 28 23 3 2 58 - 10 72
2. Sporting Lisbon 28 14 7 7 43 - 27 49
3. Guimaraes 28 14 7 7 30 - 30 49
4. Benfica 28 12 12 4 42 - 21 48
5. Vitoria Setubal 28 10 12 6 35 - 30 42
6. Belenenses 28 11 9 8 34 - 29 42
7. Maritimo 28 12 4 12 36 - 28 40
8. Braga 28 9 10 9 30 - 33 37
9. Boavista 28 8 11 9 31 - 39 35
10. CD Nacional de Madeira 28 8 8 12 19 - 26 32
11. Academica de Coimbra 29 6 13 9 29 - 35 31
12. Estrela Amadora 28 6 12 10 29 - 37 30
13. Naval 1-o Maio 28 8 6 14 23 - 44 30
14. Leixoes 28 4 14 10 27 - 34 26
15. Pacos de Ferreira 28 6 6 16 30 - 47 24
16. Uniao Leiria 28 3 6 19 24 - 50 15

Klasemen Liga Italia 2008

Seri A
No. Klub M M S K SG Nilai
1. Inter 38 25 10 3 69 - 26 85
2. AS Roma 38 24 10 4 72 - 37 82
3. Juventus 38 20 12 6 72 - 37 72
4. Fiorentina 38 19 9 10 55 - 39 66
5. AC Milan 38 18 10 10 66 - 38 64
6. Sampdoria 38 17 9 12 56 - 46 60
7. Udinese 38 16 9 13 48 - 52 57
8. Napoli 38 14 8 16 48 - 53 50
9. Atalanta 38 12 12 14 52 - 56 48
10. Genoa 38 13 9 16 44 - 52 48
11. Palermo 38 12 11 15 47 - 57 47
12. Lazio 38 11 13 14 47 - 51 46
13. Siena 38 9 17 12 40 - 45 44
14. Cagliari 38 11 9 18 40 - 56 42
15. Torino 38 8 16 14 35 - 49 40
16. Reggina 38 9 13 16 37 - 56 40
17. Catania 38 8 13 17 33 - 45 37
18. Empoli 38 9 9 20 29 - 52 36
19. Parma 38 7 13 18 42 - 61 34
20. Livorno 38 6 12 20 34 - 60 30

Klasemen Liga Inggris 2008

Dealing with Difficult Parents.....penting buat para Guru

there is no easy way to deal with overbearing parents. They come in a walks and sizes, because they are individuals, just like their children. Some hover, some yell, some are insistent, and some are abusive. Most have one thing in common – they love their children. It may not seem like it to you, the recipient of the haranguing behavior, but these parents are often the ones who want to be (or are) highly involved in their child’s life. The key is learning how to redirect the parent’s attention from you back to their child.
One important element to interacting with difficult parents is to document everything. When the child has a color change (or whatever your consequences are), write down the action and the consequence. You should also write down any other redirection that you tried before giving the official consequence. For example, the child received a warning for the first infraction and was reminded of the expectations. Another infraction occurred and he then received the consequence. A written record of this will help when meeting and/or speaking with this parent in regards to the child’s behavior. You then have a running record that details exactly what the child did, how you responded, and the ultimate consequences for that behavior. This type of documentation also helps the principal support you when in a confrontation with the parent. I cannot say enough about documenting everyth ing! It will be your saving grace whenever dealing with parents and administrators.
Documenting behavior can take up a lot of time, especially if you have an overactive class. However, there are a few ways you can ease the burden a bit. One is to have a clipboard handy with a spreadsheet showing student names down the side and expectations across the top. When a student is in violation of one of the expectations, simply mark a “1” in the appropriate column next to the student’s name. You might also use letters to key in your actions. For example (1W might mean 1st offense, warning). This takes less time than writing everything out by hand. If you have multiple classes, use manila folders with the spreadsheet stapled on the inside right. Label each folder by class period. Then, before a parent phone conference or meeting, transcribe the incidents into a written report you can refer to during the meeting. There are other ways as wel l to help you in documenting student behavior. Some districts have programs available through the computer to help teachers record and keep track of student behavior.
Secondly, keep your principal informed. When you have issues with the student and run-ins with the parents, let your principal know via personal conversations and email. When you first realize you have a difficult parent, sit down with the principal. Explain what is happening in the classroom and how you've been approached, accosted, etc. by the parent. This helps your administrator better deal with the parent when he/she shows up in the office. Principals hate being taken by surprise and many will end up supporting the parent instead of you simply because the only side of the story they know at that point is the parent's. It also doesn’t hurt to ask the principal for advice on how they might deal with this parent. Your administrator has specialized training in interpersonal skills as well as a lot of experience of their own in dealing with difficult parents. You will fi nd them to be a valuable support resource.
Third, don't back down. With documentation to support your actions, there is no need for you to do so. When speaking with an angry or aggressive parent, the best way to handle it is to listen before talking. First, listen to their concerns without interrupting. I know it is difficult to sit and listen to a diatribe, but it will help in the end. Once the parent has finished venting their feelings, they often feel better and are more open to listening to you. You might want to jot down notes to help you remember what was said. Do not speak or defend your actions at this point. Once the parent is finished, let him/her understand that you have heard and understand their concern. Next, restate the child's behavior (or the issue being discussed), restate your position and actions, then ask for support from the parent with the child's behavior and/or discuss a course of action to hel p change the child's behavior.
Ex: "Mrs. X, Thank you for sharing your concern about 'John's' recent color change. I know how disappointed he is that he made a bad choice in class and had to change it to yellow. As I'm sure you can understand, it is unsafe to have children throwing crayons across the classroom. This is disruptive to the class and can end up in another child getting hurt. One of our classroom expectations is (insert appropriate expectation here). In order to maintain a healthy and positive classroom environment, it is important that I consistently reinforce these expectations. Unfortunately, 'John' made a bad choice today by throwing crayons across the room. We talked at length about making better choices in the future. If you would please talk with 'John' at home about making good choices while I talk to him about it at school, hopefully together we can help him make better choices in class and stay on green. Do you have any other suggestions for what we might do to help 'John' make better choices both in school and at home?"
If the parent interrupts, or tries to interrupt (which very well may happen), simply say, "Mrs. X., I understand you are concerned/upset about what happened, but we cannot help ‘John’ if we do not listen to one another and try to work together. I promise, as soon as I finish explaining what has been happening in class, I will be happy to listen again to anything further you have to say." Be firm about it.
Notice in both conversations above that the focus is not on you and what you've done, but on 'John' and what he's done. It is very important to keep the focus of the discussion on the student. You didn't make the bad choice, the student did. By giving the consequence, you are trying to teach him to make better choices. This is what the parent needs to understand. Many parents who defend their badly behaved children want to make the issue about you. Don't let them. Keep it about their child. When the parent says, "You aren't being fair to my child. Last week he told me so and so did X and got away with it." Respond with, "It is understandable to be disappointed and upset when 'John' makes poor choices. I was also disappointed and sad that he had to move his color because of his choice to throw crayons across the classroom." Don't respond about the other chil d who is not their concern.
Just remember to always keep your focus on the student and the choices he/she has made. When offering suggestions, make sure you phrase them so it is clear you and the parent are working together to help the child. "What can we do to help x?" or "I think that if we ..., it will help x make better choices."
Now, even though overbearing parents can be frustrating to us as teachers, I also want you to put yourself in their shoes. Keep in mind that many of these parents are highly involved in their child’s life. For the first five years they were in complete charge of their child’s learning experiences. Once the child goes to school, and they no longer have a clue as to what he/she is doing all day. It is very hard for these kinds of parents to let their children go in the hands of another adult.
At that point, the child is making choices without the parent(s) there to guide and teach. Many of the choices made by the student may be embarrassing for the parents, which often leads to denial. If you find a parent who is constantly calling or emailing questioning each consequence, homework assignment, or activities done during the day, try to be patient. Parents often feel helpless when it comes to their children in school. They stay in constant contact (which can sometimes seem like harassment) with the teacher as a way to be informed and feel in control of the situation.
As a parent, if my son makes a bad choice and I'm there to reprimand and teach him to make a better choice, I have control over the situation. When my son comes home with a color change and I have no idea what he did to earn that consequence, I feel helpless. What did he do? Was there anything I could have done to help him make better choice? The lack of knowledge is upsetting, especially to parents who have been intimately involved with every aspect of their child's life up to that point. Until they come to grips with the fact that their child is an individual and not an extension of themselves, you will find yourself dealing with a highly inquisitive and demanding parent. Unfortunately, for some this doesn’t happen until after the child has graduated from college.
Many parents who are problems for teachers become less so as they are more informed. Sending home notes, keeping parents informed about choices made and actions taken can cut off potential problems before they occur. For example, if you sent home a note explaining that 'John made a poor choice in class by ____, resulting in a color change to yellow', most parents will then have a discussion with their child about the choice made and will support the consequence. (Obviously you will still have those aggressive parents who will huff and puff that the choice wasn't so bad. You'll never get rid of those, unfortunately.)
However, if a concerned and involved parent sees a report showing a color change with no explanation, and gets the usual response of "I don't know" or some story from their child, you are far more likely to get an angry email or phone call demanding to know what happened. How does the parent know that their child isn't telling the truth? They haven't heard any facts from you to help them better judge. By giving the parent information up front, you take the wind out of their sails. The child has less of an opportunity to make up some story about what happened. This doesn’t mean, of course, that they won’t try and blame their choices on someone else. That is merely human nature. It also doesn’t mean that some parents will still believe their child’s lie over the report sent home by the teacher.
As a parent, I can tell you from first hand experience that when my son has teachers who ignore my questions, don’t send home any kind of information or explanation about my son’s behavior or grades, and have as little interaction with me as possible, I can be a very difficult parent. I had one teacher in particular who was so contrary and unhelpful to me as a parent, that I complained, wrote letters to the district, and was constantly in the principal’s office with demands. However, for the teachers who make the effort to get to know me at the beginning of the year, who call or email when my son makes a bad choice, and who make an effort to keep me informed, I am absolutely their best cheerleader and supporter. I rave about them to everyone I know. Whatever they need – I try to get it for them. And when my son makes poor choices in class, he suffers th e consequences. Then, when he comes home complaining, instead of sympathizing, I support the teacher’s action.
Sending notes home, however, can also be time-consuming. As we all know, there often isn’t much time to get it all done. I like to use pre-made forms. These can easily be created on the computer and written in such a way that all I have to do is fill in the blanks or circle a choice.
One example of a form you might use would be a small square or strip that reads, "______________ made a poor choice today by __________________ which resulted in a color change to yellow/red. (or whatever the consequence is)
Another one might read, "__________________ made great choices today! He/she _________________________. I am so proud! You should be too!"
For upper level teachers, go ahead and type out the different consequences on your form. Then you can simply circle the consequence that applies.
These can be easily filled out without too much time and will go a long way towards keeping parents informed quickly about their child’s behavior and/or academics.
These are just a few ways you can deal with difficult parents. Entire books have been written on this subject and this email is probably already longer than most of you wanted to read.  If you are looking for further strategies, I highly recommend the book – How to Deal with Parents who are Angry, Troubled, Afraid, or Just Plain Crazy by Elaine McEwan. Click on the link to go directly to information about this book at Amazon.com
If you have any other strategies you use for dealing with angry parents that you’d like to share with us, please email me and I’ll add it to our Idea Share in the next newsletter!

Emma McDonald

Dealing with Difficult Parents.....
Ada yang bilang gampang2 susah dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang tua, kadang kita canggung atau ga enak kalau bilang atau katakjan apa yang terjadi dengan anaknya, ini dia ada solusinya, bagaimana deal with the parent, semoga manfaat....
Recently a new teacher emailed me about dealing with difficult or overbearing parents. Apparently she has a young student who often gets his color changed from misbehavior. The mother has been in constant contact with the teacher since the beginning of the year, continually questioning what is happening in the classroom. Most recently, however, she has begun to be confrontational whenever her son comes home with a color change. I know this is a common problem and thought perhaps I’d address it briefly in our newsletter.
First of all,

EURO 2008, siap datang

tak lupa pula di Indonesia banyak televisi yang siap menayangkan laga 4 tahunan itu diantaranya Global, RCTI dan TPi karena mereka satu rumah jadi hanya mereka yang punya hak siarnya, pun banyak acara2 nonton bareng yang diselenggarakan, tak terasa demam bola itu tinggal beberapa minggu lagi
Sekarang siapkan tentukan pilihan, siapa kira2 yang bakal jadu juara, tapi ingat jangan sampai taruhan, dosa lho. Kalau analisaku Italy tetep yang bakal jadi juara euro, secara mereka adalah juara piala dunia 06 dan merekalah yang menurutku punya squad yang sempurna apalagi ada kipper terbaik dunia siapa lagi kalau bukan Gianluigi “boink” Buffon yang didatangkan dari klub elit JUVENTUS, dari semua lini hanya Italy lah yang sempurna, di depannya ada Toni yang jadi top skorer di liga Zerman, Boriello “anak yang baru jadi” yang main di Genoa adalah top skorer ke 3 setelah piero dan trezeguat, di tengahnya ada Pirlo dibantu Camoranesi dan di kiri Del piero, agak belakang dikit ada Kuda jantan yang berlari kencang (surat Al-adiat kale) siapa lagi kalau bukan Ivan Gennaro Gattuso, belakang ada Zambrotta, Chiellini, barzagli dan pemain paling tua di dunia persepakbolaan, dialah Polo Maldini, bayangin aja dengan usia yang sudah hamper 45 tahun tapi masih kuat untuk maen bola. Maka dari itu lagi2 menurut anlisasku Italy lah yang bakal jadi juara.
Kandidat ke dua Prancis, mereka punya squad yang lumayan bagus tapi mereka ga punya kipper sebagus Buffon, kecuali kalau mereka pasang Sebastian Frey jadi kipper no 1,ada yang bagus kipernya seperti Spanyol tapi mereka ga punya mental juara apalagi pemain tengah dan lini depannya masih mandul.
Tapi siapapun nanti yang jadi juara, yang penting mari kita ramaikan dunia persepak bolaan supaya bisa menjamur ke persepak bolaan Nusantara yang kebetuln sore ini akan menghadapi tamu istimewa juara 1 liga jerman. Bayern Munchen, makanya mari kita dukung pasukan Beni Dolo ini. FORZA BOLA INDONESIA,

Tak terasa EURO 08 sebentar lagi menghampiri kita, persiapan2 pun sudah disiapkan dengan matang oleh para peserta EURO, dari mulai observe pemain sampai memilih siap pemain akan dipasangkan di lapangan, Raymond Domenech sudah sangat yakin dengan squadnya, meskipun sayang ga masangin Trezeguet sebagai starting line nya bahkan ga dibawa ke Austria dan Swiss, nyesel lu ntar Domenech…!Italy juga sudah siap dengan squad terbaiknya salah satunya yang terahir baru mauk Alesandro Del Piero, semua Negara sudah siap2 dengan matang.

Business day event salah satu pembelajaran baik siswa

Dan menurutku memang kita butuh event-event yang seperti itu untuk mendukung anak-anak dalam meng aplikasika apa yang mereka dapat dari pelajaran, kita selalu berfikir kalau test/ujian adalah cara yang terbaik supaya anak-anak inget dengan apa yang sudah dipelajari, SALAH, itu sangat salah karena ada banya cara yang bisa tawarkan ke anak-anak untuk assessment ya diantaranya lewat event-event, seperti business ini atau dengan acara multi cultural week, kartini Day, rajaban, muludan, health day, dan yang lainnya, karena dengan acara-acara seperti ini anak langsung bisa memperaktekan apa yang didapatkan dari pelajaran.
Memangnya apa yang didapat dari Business day?pertama anak-anak belajar ngomong bagaimana menawarkan dagannya, disini anak belajar untuk berani berbicara dengan orang asing, terus tentunya mereka mempraktekan pelajaran matematika, dan masih banyak manfaat yang lain.
Makanya bagi sekolah-sekolah mulailah berfikir untuk cari cara yang terbaik bagaimana cara belajar yang baik yang saat iytu juga berfungsi sebagai assessment, event lah menurutku solusinya.

Hari ini, anak-anak murid sedang pada sibuk dengan persiapan business day yang akan diselenggarakan hari Jumat ini, Bussiness day adalah salah satu event yang ada di sekolahku yang bermaksud untuk supaya anak-anak belajar berbisnis, setiap kelas di kasih modal 600 ribu kemudian dibelanjakan yang kemudian itu semua menjadi bahan yang akan di jual ke orang lain, setiap kelas memiliki tema sendiri-sendiri sesuai dengan apa yang mereka jual, ada yang kidZonia, food thru, ada juga whatever café dll, mereka akan menjajakan dagangannya kepada para murid dan juga kepada orang tua yang dating dan hebatnya setiap acara business day ga pernah ada kelas yang rugi, semuanya untung besar, gat tau kenapa.

Edensor is the best one

tapi it does'nt matter, karena dengan membaca buku ini aku bisa menjelajahi Nusantara bahkan benua biru Eropa, hanya dengan baca yang aku bisa, tapi impianku (aduh setelah baca bukunya Andrea Hirata jadi mimpi mulu yah) suatu saat aku bisa jelajahi dunia ga tau kapan waktunya tapi aku ingin jelajahi dunia ini dan teriak pada dunia bahwa aku ini ada.
balik lagi ke bukunya Hirata, edensor ini memang paling mantap, disamping penulisannya lebih rapi dan tidak bertele-tele seperti di Laskar Pelangi, juga berisi tentang perjuangan si Ikal yang tidak pernah berhenti untuk dapatkan A-Ling(ngomong-ngomong dah ketemu belum yah si Aling itu?)
pokoknya bagus banget lah, jempol 3 buat Andrea, kapan yah aku bisa nulis novel jaya gitu?padahal aku punya banyak ide untuk menuliskan novel bagus tapi aku ga punya jiwa imajinasi, ideku adalah bikin novel tentang perjuangan perkembangan Islam di masa lampau dimana banyak intrik politik antara satu kerajaan Islam dan kerajaan islam lainnya, yang aku pingin angkat bahwa Islam memiliki kebudayaan yang tinggi dan pusat ilmu pengetahuan, tapi sayang aku belum mampu untuk kesitu.
contohnya angkat saja kasus bagaimana keberhasilan Shalahuddi al Ayyubi mengalhkan kaum Salib dan menguasai Yerussalem, atau tentang perjuangan Ilmuan apakah itu ilmuah Fiqih atau apa saja yang dihaadapkan dengan pertempuran sesama umat Islam seperti Ibnu Hazm.
andai aku bisa.....?ah aku cuma bisanya berandai-andai

Menurutku, dari tetralogi Andrea Hirata Edensor lah yang paling mantap, karena isinya berupa impin yang tercapai dengan penuh usaha yang keras, dan disini pula banyak petualangan yang sngat mendebarkan dan sangat menantang, kapan yah aku bisa begitu?jangankan Eropa yang di explore, negaraku tercinta aja belum pernah aku kunjungi semua bahkan aku pernah menyebrangi lautan yang ada di Indonesia, kasian banget yah aku????

Selasa, Mei 20, 2008

Buku Fiksi sejarah yang layak dibaca

belum memjadi maha patih tapi dia sebagai Bekel atau jabatan ketentaraan yang masih rendah tapi beliau memiliki kanuragan yang sakti sehingga dia diberi kekuasaan untuk memimpin pasukan penjaga istana yang diberi nama Bhayangkara.
di buku ini pula diceritakan adanya pemberontakan yang dilakukan oleh Rakrian Kuti bersama teman-teman winehsuka lainnya diantaranya Ra Tanca, Ra Yuyu, Ra wedeng dll, mereke memberontak kerajaan karena mereka tidak merasa puas dengan pemerintahan majapahit saat, singkatnya, setelah pemberontakan ini berhasil, yang terjadi malah kekacaun, penjarahan dan banyak terjadi pembunuhan, dan karena itu pula akhirnya kawula majapahit berbalik meruntuhkan Ra kuti yang saat itu menjabat sebagai raja, di pimpin oleh pasukan Bhayangkara akhirnya ra kuti jatuh dan mati di tangan para Bhayangkara, dan Sri jayanegara kembali menempati posisinya menjadi sang Raja.
untuk tahu lebih lanjut ceritanya, baca deh bukunya seru banget dan jujur buku ini lebih hebat dari da vinci nya down Brown.
tapi ada satu kesalahan di buku ini, dalam sejarah aslinya sri jayanegara sempat menduduki kursi kerajaan selama kurang lebih 11 atau 12 tahun, tapi di buku ini diceritakan jayanegara meninggal setelah beberapa saat Ra kuti meninggal karena pemberontakannya.
tapi itu tidak mengurangi kualitas dari buku ini dan juga kesalahan utu di perbaiki di buku yang II, yang belum aku baca, karena aku langsung loncat bacanya ke seri ke IV tentang Perang Bubat dimana Gajah MAda yang dari awal memiliki reputasi yang tinggi akhirnya runtuh reputasinya karena membantai rombongan dari kerajaan Sunda yang akan menikahkan putri raja Dyah pitaloka dengan Hayam Wuruk....!
belum selesai bacanya, ntar kalau udah selesai aku akan share disini.

Jangan lupa beli bukunya yah....!

Meskipun saya agak terlambat mengetahui buku ini, tapi gak salah juga kalau saya bisa berbagi dengan kalian sekarang....!buku sejarah yang dikemas dengan baik sekali
Gajah Mada, judul bukunya, buku ini serie ke I dari 6 seri buku Gajah Mada, buku seri I ini memnceritakan sejarah majapahit di masa pemerintahan sri jayanegara, keturunan sri Wijaya pelopor dan pembangun kerajaan Majapahit.
Gajah Mada yang saat itu

Pohon Aneh tapi nyata

Subhanallah, itulah yang pertama kali saya ucapkan pas melihat fhoto tersebut, karena pohon ini aneh tapi nyata, bagaimana tidak aneh pohon ini berbuah wujud seorang perempuan dan ini hanya tumbuh di salah satu daerah di thailand, asli atau tidak silahkan check sendiri kebenarannya
Pohon ajaib Nareepol

This amazing tree named "Nareepol" in Thai. Naree means "girl/woman" and pol means plant/ tree or "buah" in Malay. It means women tree. It is amazing what God create the
World in many forms that amused human beings...

You can see the real tree at Petchaboon province about almost 500 kms away from Bangkok.

Minggu, Mei 18, 2008

Juventus tetep yang terbaik

Inter menggenapkan koleksi titel scudetto-nya menjadi 16. Namun perolehan Nerrazzurri masih kalah jauh dari Juventus yang memegang rekor terbanyak juara Seri A.

Total, Bianconerri telah 27 kali menjadi kampiun Liga Italia Seri A. Terakhir kali Juventus meraih gelar adalah di musim 2002/2003. Sementara gelarnya di 2005/2006 dilucuti dan diberikan kepada Inter karena Juventus tersandung skandal Calciopoli.

Sedangkan bagi Inter, titel musim ini menjadi torehan ke-16, sekaligus menjadi hattrik pertama sejak kompetisi mulai bergulir pada tahun 1989.

Berikut ini daftar Juara Seri A (dalam dua dekade terakhir):
1987/88 Milan AC
1988/89 FC Internazionale
1989/90 SSC Napoli
1990/91 Sampdoria UC
1991/92 Milan AC
1992/93 Milan AC
1993/94 Milan AC
1994/95 Juventus FC
1995/96 Milan AC
1996/97 Juventus FC
1997/98 Juventus FC
1998/99 Milan AC
1999/00 SS Lazio
2000/01 AS Roma
2001/02 Juventus FC
2002/03 Juventus FC
2003/04 Milan AC
2004/05 tidak dihadiahkan [titel Juventus dilucuti]
2005/06 FC Internazionale [titel Juventus dilucuti]
2006/07 FC Internazionale
2007/08 FC Internazionale

Pengoleksi titel Seri A
27 Juventus FC (Tidak termasuk titel musim 2004/05 dan 2005/06)
17 Milan AC
16 FC Internazionale (termasuk titel 2005/06, gelar diberikan pada 26 Juli 2006)
9 Genoa 1893
7 Torino (Tidak termasuk titel 1926/27)
Pro Vercelli
3 AS Roma
2 AC Fiorentina
SS Lazio
SSC Napoli
1 Cagliari
Sampdoria UC
Hellas Verona

Sumber : Detik.com

Kamis, Mei 15, 2008

Zodiak ala mesir kuno

Just a little bit Trivia.....
1. Thoth [29 Agustus - 27 September]
Toth adalah Dewa Pembelajaran.
Kekuatan : Kaya pengalaman, Mampu memecahkan berbagai masalah, berpikir akurat, berjiwa kepemimpinan, dan punya ide yang orisinil.
Kelemahan : Suka terburu buru, tidak sabaran.
Pekerjaan yang cocok : Jurnalis, Aktor,
Pengacara, dan Guru.

2. Horus [28 September - 27 Oktober]
Horus adalah Dewa Matahari Bersinar
Kekuatan : berani menghadang bahaya, optimis, penuh motivasi, pandai bersosialisasi.
Kelemahan : Kurang realistik, keras kepala
Pekerjaan yang cocok : politisi dan bergerak di bidang media.

3. Wadjet [28 Oktober - 26 November]
Wedjet adalah Dewi Kobra Kerajaan, Simbol pengetahuan
Kekuatan : rasional, hati hati, teliti,
ambisius, sangat setia pada nilai nilai keluarga
Kelemahan : pesimis, angkuh, menganggap diri paling benar, kadang tak mampu bersosialisasi, kikir
Pekerjaan yang cocok : kontraktor, arsitek, insinyur, editor

4. Sekhmet [27 November - 26 Desember]
Sekhmet adalah Dewa perang dan pasukan berkuda
Kekuatan : Suasana hati mudah berubah ubah, jenaka, mampu bertahan dalam saat saat sulit, bermental kuat, optimis, dan penuh imajinasi
Kelemahan : tidak sabaran, sering bertengkar
Pekerjaan yang cocok : guru, dosen, penulis, pembaca berita, investor, olahragawan

5. Sphinx [27 Desember - 25 Januari]
Sphinx adalah penjaga harta karun
Kekuatan : disiplin, penuh perasaan, cerdas,
mudah menyesuaikan sikap dengan kondisi yang ada, walau tampak humoris dan jenaka tapi sesungguhnya mereka ini serius, hati hati sekali
Kelemahan : kadang angkuh, agak terlalu tegang, sensitif dengan keadaan
Pekerjaan yang cocok : wiraswasta

6. Shu [26 Januari - 24 Februari]
Shu adalah Dewa sinar Mentari dan angin
Kekuatan : sangat kreatif, humoris, hati hati, dan punya prinsip
Kelemahan : mudah ragu ragu, dan kehilangan kesempatan
Pekerjaan yang cocok : pekerja sosial, konselor, petani, pencinta binatang

7. Isis [25 Februari - 26 Maret]
Isis adalah Dewa Displin
Kekuatan : Suka berterus terang, idealis, aktif, percaya diri,
populer karena pemikiran dan selera humornya, cara pikirnya logis namun sekaligus intuitif
Kelemahan : terobsesi dengan ide ide nya, menyerah saat masalah memuncak
Pekerjaan yang cocok : fotografer komersil dan iklan

8. Osiris [27 Maret - 25 April]
Osiris adalah Dewa Dunia Bawah
Kekuatan : dinamis, pandai, mampu mengambil kesempatan dan berwiraswasta.
Kelemahan : menghindari tanggung jawab, sulit dipahami
Pekerjaan yang cocok : pengajar dan sales

9. Amun [26 April - 25 Mei]
Amun adalah Dewa yang membangun dunia
Kekuatan : punya keinginan yang kuat, tegas, berani, percaya diri, dan terkenal
Kelemahan : keras kepala, dan kurang toleransi
Pekerjaan yang cocok : keuangan

10. Hathur [26 Mei - 24 Juni]
Hathur adalah Dewi Bumi dan Langit
Kekuatan : berkharisma, romantis, ekspresif, terikat kuat dengan cinta
Kelemahan : cemburuan, emosional, iri hati, mudah terpengaruh untuk membenci orang, mudah jatuh cinta

11. Phoenix [25 Juni - 24 Juli]
Phoenix adalah burung kehidupan dan kebangkitan
Kekuatan : optimis, fleksibel, mampu memotivasi orang lain untuk tetap optimis
Kelemahan : senang menyendiri, keras kepala, pemimpi, dan kurang realistis
Pekerjaan yang cocok : pekerjaan yg penuh resiko, wiraswasta, ahli teknik

12. Anubis [25 Juli - 28 Agustus]
Anubis adalah Penjaga Dunia bawah dan Sang penentu zodiak lain
Kekuatan : percaya diri, terhormat, bertanggung jawab, simpatik,
baik hati,penuh cinta dan gigih.
Kelemahan : tidak tercatat kelemahannya Pekerjaan yang cocok : bidang iklan dan mode/fashion

Rabu, Mei 14, 2008

Sejarah Cianjur, kota indah kelahiranku


Sejarah Kabupaten Cianjur sangat sedikit diketahui, akan tetapi menurut cerita-cerita dari orang tua, daerah Kabupaten Cianjur dahulunya adalah termasuk kedalam wilayah Kerajaan Pajajaran.
Hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya kepercayaan masyarakat Cianjur yang sama dengan masyarakat pada jaman kerajaan pajajaran yang banyak mengenal kebudayaan hindu.

Asal usul Kabupaten Cianjur diketahui setelah masuk pengaruh Islam ke Cianjur dari Kesultanan Banten kira-kira abad XV.
Bupati pertama Cianjur bernama Wiratanu I yang memerintah kira-kira abad XVII berpusat di Cikidul-Cikalong Kulon 20km sebelah utara Kabupaten Cianjur sekarang. Kemudian dipindahkan oleh Bupati Wiratanu II ke tepi sungai dan jalan raya yang telah dibuat oleh Daendels antara Anyer - Panarukan yaitu Kota Cianjur sekarang.

Kota Cianjur menjadi Kota Keresidenan Priangan pada masa Raden Kusumah Diningrat dengan wilayah meliputi Pelabuhan Ratu sebelah barat, Sungai Citanduy dengan barisan Gunung Halimun, Mega Mendung, Tangkuban Perahu sebelah timur, dan Samudra Indonesia sebelah selatan.
Kemudian pada masa Bupati R.A.A Prawiradiredja wilayah Cianjur mengalami perubahan menjadi Cikole sebelah barat, Sukabumi sekarang, Bandung dan Tasikmalaya dengan Ibukota Keresidenan dipindahkan ke Bandung.

Perkebunan karet dan teh merupakan akibat dari sistem tanam paksa (cultur stelsel).
Perkebunan tersebut merupakan tempat hiburan akhir pekan bagi asisten residen dan orang-orang belanda yang tinggal di Cianjur dan cenderung membuat rumah didaerah Cipanas-Puncak.

Secara Geografis, Kabupaten Cianjur terletak pada 106. 25o -107. 25o Bujur Timur dan 6.21o - 7.32o Lintang Selatan dengan batas-batas administratif :
- Sebelah Utara berbatasan dengan wilayah Kabupaten Bogor dan Kabupaten Purwakarta.
- Sebelah Barat berbatasan dengan wilayah Kabupaten Sukabumi.
- Sebelah Selatan berbatasan dengan Samudra Indonesia.
- Sebelah Timur berbatasan dengan wilayah Kabupaten Bandung dan Kabupaten Garut.

Luas wilayah Kabupaten Cianjur +/- 3.501,48 km2 terbagi dengan ciri topografi sebagian besar berupa daerah pegunungan, berbukit-bukit dan sebagian merupakan dataran rendah, dengan ketinggian 0 s/d 2.962 meter diatas permukaan laut (Puncak Gunung Gede) dengan kemiringan antara 1% s/d 15%.


  1. Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango
    Salahsatu dari 33 Taman Nasional di Indonesia yang memiliki keanekaragaman flora dan fauna dengan luas 15.196 Ha serta ketinggian Gunung Gede 2.958 mdpm dan Pangrango 3.019 mdpm.
    Terdapat beberapa kawah ; kawah ratu, wadon, lanang dan baru. Lokasi di Kecamatan Pacet dengan jarak tempuh dari Jakarta sekitar 80km.
  2. Kebun Raya Cibodas
    Merupakan cagar alam yang memiliki 1001 jenis tanaman kaktus yang berusia lebih dari 100 tahun.
  3. Istana Presiden Cipanas
    Dibangun pada tahun 1740 oleh warga Belanda bernama Van Heuts diatas tanah 25 Ha. Didalam sekitar istana terdapat suatu bangunan yang dapat dikunjungi yaitu Gedung Bentol yang dulunya pernah dipakai Presiden Soekarno menyusun naskah kemerdekaan RI
  4. Taman Bunga Nusantara
    Taman seluas 23 Ha beriklim tropis yang benar-benar nyaman dan menyenangkan dengan berbagai jenis bunga dari berbagai negara di Asia, Amerika, Afrika, Australia dan Eropa. Lokasi di desa Kawung Luwuk Kecamatan Sukaresmi dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 90km dari Jakarta.
  5. Perkebunan Teh Puncak
    Pemandangan dengan latarbelakang kebun teh dapat dilihat di Puncak. Merupakan Agrowisata yang indah, sejuk dan nyaman yang sewaktu-waktu diselimuti kabut. Cocok untuk kegiatan 'Tea Walk' dan Terbang Layang.
  6. Pusat Belanja Wisata
    Sepanjang jalur Puncak-Cianjur terdapat banyak tempat menginap hotel berbintang maupun kelas melati, restoran yang menyajikan aneka ragam makanan khas, factory outlet, souvenir, buah-buahan segar, sayur mayur serta bunga/bonsai.


  1. Seni Mamaos Cianjuran
    Keistimewaannya adalah lagu-lagunya tidak berpatokan pada birama tertentu, sehingga banyak yang bilang bahwa Seni Cianjuran adalah termasuk Seni Jazz.
  2. Kacapi Suling, Jaipongan (Ketuk Tilu) dan Calung


  1. Tauco
    Makanan khas Cianjur yang berasal dari negeri Cina. Terbuat dari kacang kedelai pilihan, diproses secara tradisional.
    Pabrik tauco tertua adalah pabrik tauco cap meong, didirikan tahun 1880 di kota Cianjur.
  2. Manisan


  1. Pengrajin Sangkar Burung
  2. Pengrajin Lampu Kuning
  3. Pengrajin Cinderamata Bambu dan Kayu

Pencak Silat / Maenpo

Nama-nama bagus buat anak

Temans, mungkin diantara kalian ada yang siap-siap punya anak dan bingung cari nama yang baik,

kita selalu berfikir untuk punya nama yang bagus tapi salah kaprah karena ga tau artinya, jangan sampai

karena ingin mengambil dari kata-kata al-quran tapi tidak tahu artinya, seperti Ikin Musyrikin atau Dodo dolimin khan jadi rusak nanti anaknya, makanya ni aku kasih daftar nama-nama bagus dari bahasa al-quran beserta artintya, ni aku juga dapat dari teman. semoga bermanfaat!!!!!

Abia - Great
Abida - Worshipper
Abir, Abeer - Fragrance
Ablah, Abla' - Perfectly formed
Abra - Example, lesson
A'dab - Hope and need
Adara - Virgin
Adiba - Cultured, polite
Adila, Adilah, Adeela - Equal
Adiva - Pleasant, gentle
Afaf - Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure
Afifah - Chaste
Afra' - White
Ahd - Pledge, knowledge
Ahlam - Witty; one who has pleasant dreams; imaginative
A'idah, Aida - Visiting, returning; reward
Ain - Eye, thus "precious"
Aini - Spring, flower, source, choice
A'ishah, Aisha, Ayishah - Living, prosperous, youngest wife of the
Prophet (pbuh)
Akilah - Intelligent, logical, one who reasons
Alhena - A ring; (A star in the constellation Gemini)
Alima - Wise
Alimah - Skilled in music or dance
Aliyyah, Aliah, A'lia - Exaulted, noble, highest social standing
Almas - Diamond
Aludra - Virgin
Alzubra - (A star in the constellation Leo)
Amal, A'mal, Amala - Hopes, aspirations
Amani - Wishes, aspirations
Amatullah - Female servant of Allah
Amber - Jewel
Aminah, Ameena - Trustworthy, faithful
Amineh - Faithful
Amirah, Ameera - Princess, leader
Amtullah - Female servant of Allah
Anan - Clouds
Anbar - Perfume, ambergris
Anisah - Close, intimate, good friend
Anwar - Rays of light
Ara - Opinions
Areebah - Witty, smart
Arub - Loving to her husband
Asima - Protector
Asiya - One who tends to the weak, one who heals
Asma' - Excellent, precious; daughter of Abu Bakr
Atifa - Affection, sympathy
Atiya - Gift
Ayah - Sign; distinct
Azhar - Flowers, blossoms
Azizah, Azeeza - Esteemed, precious, cherished
Azzah - Young, female gazelle
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Badi'a - Unprecedented, admirable, unique
Badra - Full moon
Badriyyah - Resembling the full moon
Bahira, Baheera - Dazzling, brilliant
Bahiya - Beautiful, radiant
Balqis - Name of the Queen of Sheba
Banan - Delicate, finger tips
Baraka - White one
Bari'ah - Excelling
Barika - Bloom, be successful
Bashirah, Basheera - Bringer of good tidings, joy
Basimah, Baseema - Smiling
Basmah - A smile
Batul, Batool - Ascetic virgin
Bilqis - Queen of Sheeba
Bushra - Good Omen
Buthaynah, Buthayna - Of beautiful and tender body
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Cala - Castle
Cantara - Small bridge
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Dahab - Gold
Dalal - Treated or touched in a kind and loving way
Duha, Dhuha - Forenoon
------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
Fadilah, Fadheela - Virtuous, outstanding, superior, cultured and
Fadwa - Name derived from self-sacrifice
Faizah - Victorious, winner
Falak - Star
Farah - Joy
Faridah, Fareeda - Unique, matchless, precious pearl or gem
Farihah, Fareeha - Happy, joyful, cheerful, glad
Fatimah, Fatima - Accustom; Daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)
Fatin or Fatinah - Captivating, alluring, enchanting
Fawziyyah, Fawziya, Fazia - Successful, victorious
Fellah - Arabian jasmine
Firyal - Name
Firdaws, Firdoos - Highest garden in Paradise
------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
Ghadah - Beautiful
Ghaliyah - Fragrant
Ghaniyah - Pretty girl, beautiful woman, beauty
Ghayda - Young and delicate
Ghusun, Ghusoon - Branches of a tree
------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
Habibah - Beloved, sweetheart, darling
Hadiya - Guide to righteousness
Hadiyyah - A gift
Hafsah - Wife of the Prophet (pbuh)
Hafthah - Preserved, protected
Haifa, Hayfa' - Slender, of beautiful body
Halah - Aureole
Halimah, Haleema - Gentle, patient, mild-tempered
Hamidah, Hameeda - Praiseworthy
Hana' - Happiness
Hanan - Mercy
Hanifah, Hanifa, Haneefa - True believer
Haniyyah - Pleased, happy
Hasna' - Beautiful
Hayam - Deliriously in love
Hayat - Life
Hessa - Destiny
Hibah - Gift
Hind - Proper name
Huda, Hooda - Right guidance
Huma - Bird who brings joy
Huriyyah, Hooriya - Angel
Husn - Beauty
Husniyah - Beautiful
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Ibtihaj - Joy
Ikram - Honor, hospitality, generosity
Ilham - Intuition
Iman - Faith, belief
Imtithal - Polite obedience
In'am - Kindness, benefaction, bestowal
Inas - Sociability
Inaya - Concern; solicitude
Intisar - Triumph
Izdihar - Flourishing, blooming
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Jala' - Clarity, elucidation
Jamilah, Jameela - Beautiful, graceful, lovely
Janan - Heart, soul
Johara - Jewel
Jumanah - Silver pearl
------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
Kalila - Sweetheart, beloved
Kamilah - Perfect
Karida - Untouched
Karimah, Kareema - Generous, noble
Kawthar - River in Paradise
Khadijah, Khadeeja - First wife of the Prophet (pbuh)
Khalidah - Immortal
Khayriyyah, Khairiya - Charitable, good
Khulud, Khulood - Immortality
Kulthum, Kulthoom - Daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)
------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
Lama - Darkness of lips
Lamis, Lamees - Soft to the touch
Lamya' - Of dark lips
Latifah, Lateefa - Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly
Layla, Leila - (Born at) night
Lina, Leena - Tender
Lubabah - The innermost essence
Luloah - A pearl
Lu'lu' - Pearls
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Madihah, Madeeha - Praiseworthy
Maha - Wild cow, cow-eyes
Ma'isah - Walking with a proud, swinging gait
Maizah - Discerning
Majidah, Majeeda - Glorious
Makarim - Of good and honorable character
Malak - Angel
Malika - Queen
Manal - Attainment, achievement
Manar - Guiding light
Maram - Asperation
Mariam, Maryam - Mother of Jesus (pbuh); Arabic form of "Mary"
Mas'ouda - Happy, lucky, fortunate
Mawiyah - The essence of life
Maymunah - Auspicious, blessed
May - Old Arabic name
Maysa' - To walk with a proud, swinging gait
Maysun, Maysoon - Of beautiful face and body
Mayyadah - To walk with a proud, swinging gait
Mufidah, Mufeeda - Useful
Muhjah - Heart's blood, soul
Muminah - Pious believer
Muna, Mona - Wish, desire
Munirah, Muneera - Illuminating, shedding light
Mushirah, Musheera - Giving counsel, advising
Muslimah - Devout believer
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Nabihah, Nabeeha - Intelligent
Nabilah, Nabeela - Noble
Nada - Generousity, dew
Nadia - The beginning, first
Nadidah, Nadeeda - Equal, rival
Nadirah - Rare, precious
Nadwah - Councel
Nafisah, Nafeesa - Precious thing, gem
Nahlah - A drink of water
Na'ilah - Acquirer, obtainer, one who succeeds
Na'ima, Na'imah - Comfort, amenity, tranquility, peace
Najah - Success
Najat - Safety
Najibah, Najeeba - Of noble birth
Najiyah - Safe
Najla - Of wide eyes
Najwa - Confidential talk, secret conversation
Najya - Victorious
Nashida - Student
Nashita Energetic, full of life
Nashwa - Fragrance, perfume, that which intoxicates
Nasiha - One who gives valuable advice
Nasira - Victorious, helper
Nathifa - Clean, pure
Nawal - Gift
Nawar - Flower
Nazahah - Purity, righteousness, honesty
Nazihah - Honest
Nazirah - Like, equal, matching
Nibal - Arrows
Nida - Call
Ni'mah - Blessing, loan
Ni'mat - Blessings, loans
Nouf - Highest point on a mountain
Nudar, Nudhar - Gold
Nuha - Intelligence
Numa - Beautiful and pleasant
Nur, Noor - Light
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Qubilah - Concord
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Rabab - White cloud
Rabi'ah - Garden, springtime
Radeyah, Radhiya - Content, satisfied
Radwa, Radhwa - A mountain in Medina
Rafa' - Happiness, prosperity
Raghd - Pleasant
Rahimah - Merciful, compassionate
Ra'idah - Leader
Raja' - Hopeful
Rana - To gaze, look
Rand - Tree of good scent
Raniyah - Gazing
Rasha - Young gazelle
Rashida, Rasheeda - Wise, mature
Rawdah, Rawdha - Garden
Rawiyah - Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry
Rayya - Sated with drink
Rida - Favored by God
Rihana - Sweet basil
Rim, Reem - Gazelle
Rima, Reema - White antelope
Rukan - Steady, confident
Ruqayyah, Ruqaya - Gentle; Daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)
Ruwaydah - Walking gently
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -Sabah - Morning
Sabirah - Patient
Safa - Clarity, purity, serenity
Safiyyah - Untroubled, serene, pure, best friend
Sahar - Dawn
Sahlah - Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing
Saidah - Happy, fortunate
Saihah - Good, useful
Sakinah, Sakeena - God-inspired peace of mind, tranquility
Salihah - Correct, agreeable
Salimah, Saleema - Peace, flawless, faultless, safe, healthy
Salma - Peaceful
Salwa - Solace; quail
Samah - Generosity
Samar - Evening conversation
Sameh - Forgiver
Samihah, Sameeha - Generous
Samira, Sameera - Entertaining female companion
Samiyah - Elevated, exhalted, lofty
Sana' - Resplendence, brilliance; to gaze or look
Sawsan - Lily of the valley
Shadha - Aromatic
Shadiyah - Singer
Shahrazad - Teller of "Tales of 1,001 Nights"
Sharifah, Shareefa - Noble
Siham - Arrows
Souad or Su'ad
Suha - Name of a star
Suhailah, Suhaylah, Suhayla - Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing
Suhaymah - Small arrow
Suhayr, Suhair - Proper name
Sumayyah, Sumaiya - Proper name
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Tahirah - Pure, chaste
Takiyah - Pious, righteous
Talibah - Seeker after knowledge
Tarub, Taroob - Merry
Thana' - Thankfulness
Thara' - Wealth
Thurayya - Star
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Umayma - Little mother
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Wafa' - Faithfulness
Wafiqah, Wafeeqa - Successful
Wafiyyah, Wafiya - Loyal, faithful
Wahibah - Giver, donor
Wajihah, Wajeeha - Eminent, distinguished
Walidah - Newborn
Warda, Wardah, Wordah - Rose
Widad - Love, friendship
Wijdan - Ecstacy, sentiment
Wisal - Communion in love
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Yafiah - High
Yakootah - Emerald
Yamha - Dove
Yaminah - Right and proper
Yasirah - Lenient
Yasmine, Yasmin, Yasmeen - Jasmine
Yumn - Good fortune, success
Yusra - Proper name
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- Zafirah - Victorious, successful
Zahirah - Shining, luminous
Zahra' - White
Zahrah - Flower, beauty, star
Zainab, Zaynab - Daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)
Zakiyyah - Pure
Zaynah, Zaina - Beautiful
Zubaidah - Excellent

Does your name begin with

saya dapat dari milist, percaya atau tidak it's up to you!!!!

Does your name begin with: A

U are not particularly romantic, but you are interested in action. You mean
business. With you, what you see is what you get. You have no patience for
flirting and can’t be bothered with someone who is trying to be coy, cute,
demure, and subtly enticing. You are an up-front person. You often don’t
get hints & you ever pass any. Brains turn you on. You must feel that your
partner is! intellectually stimulating, otherwise you will find it
difficult to sustain the relationship. You require loving, cuddling,
wining, and dining to know that you’re being appreciated. Your mate’s
physical attractiveness is important for you. You tend to be very
Practical, & not very emotional Your choices are very good & can only lead
to trouble. You are very self satisfied & egoistic.

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Does your name begin with: B

You give off vibes of lazy sensuality. You enjoy being romanced, wined,
and dined. You are very happy to receive gifts as an _____expression of
the affection of your lover. You want to be pampered and know how to
pamper your mate. You are private in your _____expression of endearments,
and particular when it comes to love. You will hold off until everything
meets with your approval. You can control your appetite & feelings. You
require new sensations and experiences. You are willing to experiment.

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Does your name begin with: C

You are a very social individual, and it is important to you to have a relationship. You require closeness and togetherness. You want the object of your affection to be socially acceptable and good-looking. You see your lover as a friend and companion. You are very sensual, Needing someone to appreciate and almost worship you. When this cannot be achieved, you have
the ability to hold out on affection until you receive this.. You are an expert at controlling your desires and doing without.

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Does your name begin with: D

Once you get it into your head that you want someone, you move full Steam ahead in your suit. You do not give up your quest easily. You are nurturing and caring. If someone has a problem, this turns you on. You are highly passionate, loyal, and intense in your involvement’ s, sometimes possessive and jealous. You are very sharp & talented often with sense of
humour. When people bother to look deep inside they cannot resist what they see. You are stimulated by the eccentric and unusual, having a free and open attitude. You get jealous of other people and lose your temper .

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Does your name begin with: E

Your greatest need is to talk. If your date is not a good listener, you have trouble relating. A person must be intellectually stimulating or you are not interested sexually. You need a friend for a lover and a companion
You hate disharmony and disruption, but you do enjoy a good argument once in a while-it seems to stir things up. You flirt a lot, for the challenge is more important. But once you give your heart away, you are uncompromisingly loyal. You will fall asleep with a good book.
sometimes, in fact, you prefer a good book to a lover)

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Does your name begin with: F

You are idealistic and romantic, putting your lover on a pedestal. You look for the very best mate you can find. You are a flirt, yet once committed, you are very loyal. You are sensuous and privately passionate. Publicly, you can be showy, extravagant, and gallant. You are a born romantic. Dramatic love scenes are a favourite fantasy past time. You can be a very generous lover.
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
Does your name begin with: G

You are fastidious, seeking perfection within yourself and your lover. You respond to a lover who is yourintellectual equal or superior, and one who can enhance your status. You are sensuous and know how to reach the peak of stimulation, because you work at it meticulously. You can be extremely active-never tiring out. Your duties and responsibilities take precedence
over everything else. You may have difficulty getting emotionally close to people.

____________ _________ _________ _

Does your name begin with: H

You seek a mate who can enhance your zest for life ,fun & everything You seek for. You will be very generous to your lover once you have Attained a commitment. You are very affectionate & very strong. Your gifts are actually an investment in your partner. Before the commitment, though, you tend to be very careful with your every move and equally cautious in your
involvement’ s often as you believe that you have to look out for yourself.
You are a sensual and patient lover. You will hold off till everything meets your full approval. You are a perfectionist, hard to satisfy and strong in your beliefs. Not influential, you always stand your ground.
People can always count on you to stand by them in a crisis. You are a dreamer with/ a passion for life.
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Does your name begin with: I

You have a great need to be loved, appreciated. .. even worshiped. You enjoy luxury, sensuality, and pleasures of the flesh. You like necking spend hours just touching feeling & exploring. You look for lovers who know what they are doing. You are not interested in an amateur, unless that amateur wants a tutor. You are fussy and exacting about having your
desires satisfied. You are willing to experiment and try new modes of _____expression. You bore easily and thus require adventure and change.
Your commitments don’t last very long & you often tend to stray. Loyalty is not one of your strong points. You are more sensual than sexual, but you are sometimes downright lustful.

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Does your name begin with: J

You are blessed with a great deal of physical energy. When used for a good cause there is nothing to stop you, except maybe that they aren’t always used for the good. (you could dance all night.) You respond to the thrill of the chase and the challenge of the mating game.You can carry on great romances in your head. At heart you are a roamer and need to set out on your own every so often. You will carry on long- distance relationships with ease. You are idealistic and need to believe in love. You have a need to be nurtured deep within.

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Does your name begin with: K

You are secretive, self-contained, and shy. You are very sexy, sensual, and passionate, but you do not let on to this. Only in intimate privacy will this part of your nature reveal itself. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you are an expert. You know all the little tricks of the trade, can play any role or any game, and take your love life very seriously. You don’t fool around. You have the patience to wait for the right person to come along. You are very generous & giving, often
selfless. You are kind-natured & sweet, which is found to be attractive by many. You are a good friend.

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Does your name begin with: L

You can be very romantic, attached to the glamour of love. Having a partner is of paramount importance to you. You are free in your _____expression of love and are willing to take chances, try new sexualexperiences and partners, provided it’s all in good taste. Brains turn youon. You must feel that your partner is intellectually stimulating,otherwise you will find it difficult to sustain the relationship. Yourequire loving, cuddling, wining, and dining to know that you’re being
appreciated. “You require loving, cuddling, wining, and dining to know that you’re being appreciated “.

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Does your name begin with: M

You may appear innocent, unassuming and shy; but we know that Appearances can lie. When it comes to sex, you are no novice but something of a skilled technician. You can easily go to extremes, though, running the gamut from insatiability to boredom with the whole idea of love. You can be highly critical of you mate, seeking perfection in both of you. It is
not easy to find someone who can meet your standards. You have difficulty expressing emotions and drawing close to lovers. You are often selfish, thinking you are always right no matter what. You never give in. Winning is your prime desire- at any cost. You often forget friends and family and you live for the moment.

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Does your name begin with: N

You are emotional and intense. When involved in a relationship, you Throw your entire being into it. Nothing stops you; there are no holds barred.
You are all-consuming and crave someone who is equally passionate and intense. You believe in total freedom. You are willing to try anything and everything. Your supply of energy is inexhaustible. You want to be pampered and know how to pamper your mate. You also enjoy mothering your mate. You often have the greatest love affairs all by yourself, in your head. You are very imaginative.

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Does your name begin with: O

You are very interested in fun activities yet secretive and shy about your desires. You can re-channel much of your energy into making money and/or seeking we. You can easily have extended periods of celibacy. You are a passionate, compassionate lover, requiring the same qualities From your mate. Love is serious business; thus you demand intensity, diversity and
is willing to try anything or anyone. Sometimes your passions turn to possessiveness, which must be kept in check.

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Does your name begin with: P

You are very conscious of social proprieties. You wouldn’t think of Doing anything that might harm your image or Reputation. Appearances count.
Therefore, you require a good-looking partner. You also require an intelligent partner. Oddly enough, you may view your partner as your enemy…a good fight stimulates those vibes. You are relatively free of hang-
ups.You are willing to experiment and try new ways of doing things.You are very social and sensual; you enjoy flirting and need a good deal of physical ratification.

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Does your name begin with: Q

You require constant activity and stimulation. You have tremendous physical energy. It is not easy for a partner to keep up with you. You are an enthusiastic lover and tend to be attracted to people because of their ethnic groups. You need romance, hearts and flowers, and conversation to turn you on and keep you going.

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Does your name begin with: R

You are a no-nonsense, action-oriented individual. You need someone who can keep pace with you and who is your intellectual equal-the smarter the better. You are turned on more quickly by a great mind than by a great body. However, physical attractiveness is not very important to you. You have to be proved to be worthy for a partner. You have a need to prove
yourself the best. You want feedback on your performance. You are open, stimulating & romantic.

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Does your name begin with: S

For you, it is pleasure before business. You can be romantically
idealistic to a fault and is capable of much sensuality. But you never loose control of your emotions. Once you make the commitment you stick like glue. You could get jealous and possessive. You tend to be very selfish often regarding yourself as the only human being on the planet..
You like being the centre of attention. You are very caring sensitive, private & sometimes very passive.
Turned on by soft lights, romantic thoughts. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you are an expert. You know all the little tricks of the trade, can play any role, or any game, and take your love life very seriously. You don’t fool around. You have
the patience to wait for the rightperson to come along. You are very generous & giving, often selfless. You are kind nature & sweet which is found to be attractive by many. You are a good friend.

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Does your name begin with: T

You are very sensitive, private & sometimes very passive. You like someone who takes the lead. You get turned on by music, soft lights & romantic thoughts. You fantasize & tend to fall in & out of love soon. When in love you are romantic, idealistic, mushy & extremely. You enjoy having your senses & your feelings stimulated, titillated & teased. You are a great flirt. You can make your relationships fit your dreams, all in your own
head. Once you put your mind to something you manage to stand by it and see your dreams through. You aren’t very good at expressing your feelings. You like things your own way. You do not like change, you like to hold on to things. This may not always be good because if given an opportunity things may develop into great things. You work your way to the top.
Attention must be given to what others say because even though you don’t want to hear it their advice may turn out to save your life. !

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Does your name begin with: U

You are enthusiastic & at your happiest when in love. When not in love you’re in love with love and always looking for someone to adore. You see romance as challenge. You are a roamer & needs adventure, excitement freedom. You enjoy giving gifts & looking good. You are willing to put others feelings above yours.

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Does your name begin with: V

You are individualistic & you need freedom, space & excitement. You wait till you know someone well before committing yourself. Knowing someone means psyching her/him out. You feel a need to get into his/her head to see what makes him tick. You are attracted to eccentric types. You believe that age is no barrier. You are good at responding to danger, fear &

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Does your name begin with: W

You are very proud, determined & refuses to take no for an answer when it come to love. Your ego is at stake all the time. You are romantic, idealistic, often in love with love itself, not seeing your partner for who she or he really is. You feel deeply about love & tends to throw all of your self into a relationship. Nothing is too good for your lover. You like playing love games.

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Does your name begin with: X

You need constant stimulation because you get bored quickly. You can handle more than 1 relationship at a time with ease. You can’t shut off your mind. You can do 2 things at once. You are very talented.

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Does your name begin with: Y

You are sensual & very independent. If you can’t have it your way, you will forget the whole thing. You want to control your relationships which doesn’t work out too well. You respond to physical stimulation. However if you can make money you will give up the pleasures of the flesh for the
moment. You have a need to prove yourself the best. You want feedback on your performance. You are open, stimulating & romantic.

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Does your name begin with: Z

You are very romantic but show feels that to love means to suffer. You wind up serving your mate & attracting people who have unusual trouble. You see yourself as a lover’s saviour.